
Universities, tech companies, NGO’s and citizens in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, supervised by a board of security, legal and ethics experts, are working together to find answers to online hate speech that is dividing our societies, in an initiative supported by the European Commission’s Rights,...

Detect Then Act ( zielt darauf ab, menschliche Bemühungen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz zu kombinieren, um Hate Speech im Netz zu beobachten und Kampagnen zu schaffen, die eine positive Antwort auf Hasskommentare darstellen. In diesen Kampagnen werden User*innen, die Hasskommentare im Netz beobachten, ermuntert, selbst Stellung...

Met nieuwe technologie, training en begeleiding willen Europese partners binnen het netwerk Detect Then ACT ( de strijd aanbinden tegen online haat. “We hebben nood aan meer medestanders in plaats van omstanders tegen haatberichten op sociale media,” klinkt het. ...

Detect Then Act ( is a coalition of universities, tech companies, NGOs and citizens in Belgium, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands that will work together to find answers to stop the online hate speech that is dividing our societies. The project will be supervised by...